Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Treyarch working hard on PS3 connectivity issues.

Here's an idea on how to fix those issues. How about you spend more time on your product to make sure none of these issues happen once you ship the title.

Since day one the PS3 version of Black Ops has been having connectivity issues which Treyarch has been trying to fix or so they say. They have released a patch on Tuesday which is suppose to fix these issues but so far the connectivity issue remains. Treyarch wants customers to know that they are working hard on a fix and to wait patiently and not listen to any rumors being poster on the internet about a short fix. In a forum post on Treyarch said:

"We are aware that many online players have been experiencing connectivity issues since Tuesday’s patch," the forum post says.  "We have been working hard to track down the cause and fix them as quickly as we can. We’ve already updated the game with one “hot fix” since Tuesday’s release that has improved many of those connectivity problems, and we’ve got more coming, so stay tuned."

"There have been rumors suggesting that deleting your save data will improve network connectivity. Please do not delete your save data, as it will not have an effect on network connectivity. A hot fix was released at 9:30p PST last night, coinciding with the first instance of this rumor, and this hot fix is the reason many users have experienced improved connectivity."

If you want quality games look else where but if you want a company that only wants your money and doesn't care about the quality about their products keep supporting Activision.


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