Kimi Ni Todoke tells the story of Sawako who since early childhood has been known as Sadako and alienated by her own peers. Sadako was the girls name in “The Ring” and from then on people started to believe she had mysterious powers which she can use to curse anyone. Things didn’t help with rumors spreading around her school that the people who she came in contact with got sick or something bad happened to them. Throughout most of her life she spent it alone with almost no friends. The story takes place in High School and is mostly about how Sawako finally starts making friends and starts being her self again.
Sawako is somewhat of a loaner because of the rumors spread since her early childhood that she has mysterious powers and her name resembles Sadako from the ring. Since then all children have tried to stay away from her and even becoming scared when she came in contact with them. It’s not until she agrees to a prank set up by Chizu and Ayane to scare the other students during a festival that she started coming into contact and talking with other people. She also falls for her classmate Shota who also has feelings for her but is too afraid to express his feelings for her even though he’s one of the most popular students in the school with all sorts of girls going after him and with her being as gullible as she is, she can’t catch on to his advances.
As we go deeper into the story we see Sawako’s relationship with Chizu, Ayane, Shota and Ryu grow and she even starts growing a little bit of popularity. However there are a few conflicts that arise from her new found confidence such as rumors being spread around that affect Chizu, Ayane and Shota. Sawako not wanting to be a burden to anyone decides to ignore them and goes back to being her old gloomy self leaving everyone confused in the high school. This however doesn’t last long and they make amends and everything is back to normal except that Sawako and Choza still can’t express their feelings for each other.
One negative about this anime is that every episode feels almost the same. Throughout the series Zawako makes progress and in one point she goes back to being her old self again which can be pretty annoying. This happens on more than one occasion and gets boring after the second time around. She makes these decisions not to talk to her friends by herself without first confirming it or talking to them about it. The worst conflict of all dragged on for 3 episodes and while they were building to the story I think they could have done without.
Kimi Ni Todoke comes in NIS Americas Premium packing which comes with 2 DVD’s and 2 BluRay Discs and an art book. The artbook tells you about the characters and where they come from. There’s also an episode guide and some really nice art inside of it. The quality for Timi Ni Todoke was great on both BluRay and DVD. I watched them mainly at work at work on a cheap dell system and monitor and the quality couldn’t be better.
Closing Comments:
How would I rate Kimi Ni Todoke? It’s hard to say. It’s a love/hate relation and Sawako at times can get annoying but there are a few funny moments which I enjoyed. However, the anime as a whole I would have to give a 3/5 stars because sometimes the anime just drags on and on and you want it to end. When it does it, you are left with a cliffhanger into Vol 2 which got me angry because I wanted to see what happened. I checked inside the sleeve or see if there was another episode which explained the cliffhanger but there wasn’t. I guess I’ll have to wait to Vol 2 to find out what happened.
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