Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The People VS The Gaming industry.

So I was watching the movie The People VS Larry Flynt which is a movie about the father of Hustler magazine Larry Flynt. What does this have to do with gaming you say. Well as the title suggest, since the creation of Video Games parents have always tried to find a scape goat for not taking responsibility for their kids actions. You hear it all over the news some kid went psycho and their parents blame Video Game even though there is no Connection between the two.

There is this story out there of an older teen killing a younger teen and the game Manhunt 2 was blamed. Reports showed that the older teen never owned a copy of Manhunt 2, but the younger teen did. So while there was no connection to the two the mother of the Victim still decided to campaign against Violent Video Games. There are many stories like this across the internet and it's not only repulsive to read these stories and want to walk to the face of these parents and punch them in the face but because they are campaigning for censorship in Video Games, they are affect all of us who play these Video Games.

Parent's campaign that violent video games are not for children and I agree so why are the parent's not taking responsibility for their children s' actions. Can't they go on TV and say "You know what, My Kid is a fuck up and I am sorry that he caused all of this. Us as parent's will take full responsibility for whatever damage our kid has caused". Instead they blame someone else because it is easier.

California as a state has tried to ban the sale of video games based on their content, however their effort has failed since the day they began. They tried appealing to the supreme court and will continue to try and ban the sale of these video games which if passed into law, the only game we will be allowed to play is Hello Kitty Rescue adventure. California isn't the only state to try to ban the sale of video games based on their content which means that they will be getting support from other states and if they push hard enough, their purpose might just be fulfilled.

So you ask again what does this have to do with the movie the people vs Larry Flynt???? Everything. It is about censoring an industry that is protected by the first amendment of the United States which many have died to protect. If you wish to stop these people you can sign up for the Video Game Voters network and voice your opinion. Go to to sign up and take action.

With that said I leave you with one of the many great lines from the Movie: The People VS Larry Flynt said by Edward Norton's character.

-Donny De Leon-

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