Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Activision says PS3 will outsell the 360 in 2010.

Remember back in the day when Activision-Blizzard CEO commented that if Sony doesn't push for a price cut on the PS3 that Activision will stop supporting the PS3. A lot of developers went on to criticize Activision for said comment but guess who's predicting the top console of 2010 will be? (Sorry Wii doesn't count). As the title suggest the PS3 will outsell the 360 in 2010.

Activision has released an estimate as to how many units a console will sell, and according to Activision the PS3 will outsell the 360 by 1 million units bringing the total user base of the PS3 to 32 Million and the Xbox 360 to 40 Million users.

It's interesting how things have turned around and a few publishers are already promising exclusive titles for the PS3. On top of that there are also rumors that there will be a price drop for both consoles this year. I'm pretty sure a $50 price drop on the PS3 would help out the console as well as the 360.


-Donny De Leon-

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