Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Friday, November 4, 2011

Sony Releasing PSVita a few days early for special Pre-Order bundles

Only for those hardcore fans who must have it, will get it.

Sony has recently announce that it will sell the PSVita on Feb. 15 as a special pre-order bundle before it's initial release of Feb 22. Those who pre-order the bundle will get it first to show off to your friends how much of a nerd you really are.

The special bundle includes: the 3G + Wi-Fi Vita, a limited edition case, a 4GB PS Vita memory card, and the Little Deviants game for $349.99 for US however for Canadians the bundle will include: a Wi-Fi Vita, the case, 4GB memory card, and Little Deviants for $299.99.

 "We've decided to give our most loyal fans an opportunity to own a PS Vita before everyone else," Sony said on its PlayStation blog.

I think Sony should have released a Wi-Fi only version in the US as well for $299. 3G is great but I am not gonna pay $25 or $30 a month to AT&T and an extra $55 (taxes included) just to have the option for 3G. Unless of course there is a hack that allows you to put a Tmobile sim and play in 2G but even then I'd still be spending $30 a month.


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