Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Yoichi Wada gets death threats for releasing FFXIII in Japan

I guess some gamers are more passionate than others.

So it seems that with the release of FFFXIII for the Xbox 360 in Japan, Yoichi Wada is getting death threats via his twitter account.

"Is it true? After saying so many times it would never be released on the Xbox in Japan, if you really do release it nobody will trust your word again.
Say something!
You’re going to betray us after saying it would never come out? I’m cancelling my pre-orders.
You liar!
Lying to customers is how you do business, eh? I’ll never buy a Square Enix title again.
With all the illegal lies and misdirection about FF13 you made, I reported you to the ministry of consumer affairs. And you promised DLC and quietly abandoned it – you’re detestable.
Stop your pompous waffling and resign! Haven’t you made enough money yet? Next time put a guy who actually loves games in charge.
What’s up with game developers? Practically everything they say is a lie…
Well done, Scrooge.
Hey Wada! What the hell is this about FF13 on the 360 in Japan? You kept advertising the game in all the mags as a domestic PS3 exclusive! If you go through with this nobody’ll trust you again… Honestly I hate you so much I’d like to kill you. Quit soon. This is your last chance.
You’d better be prepared to run, or you’ll be killed! At the very least you ought to be prepared for a few rocks thrown your way!"

It's funny to read these types of letter and laugh at them. I think by telling Wada to resign and to put someone who loves games in is real hilarious. Why can't they say that about Activision's CEO Bobby Kotick's who has made bizarre statements yet people still fly to buy the latest Call of Duty title.

Why is Activision still profitable even though most of their games suck. Why is Rober Kotick still the CEO of Activision. Why can't the gaming community go on strike against Activision and not buy their games until Kotick is removed from officed and replaced with someone who loves video games and does what gamers want them to do. It's because it doesn't benefit them that's why.

Before anyone starts making threats to any other CEO for trying to bring more business to their company which is what they're hired to do, Why not look at Activision first and make threats to stop buying games from them?


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