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Friday, June 25, 2010

Activision COO says Playstation Move and Kinect Cost too much.

    In an Interview with Gamasutra Activision COO Thomas Tippl said that the cost for the Sony's new Move accessory and Microsoft's Kinect cost too much when asked. Tippl was concerned about the High price of both devices

"I think as a publisher, you have to be concerned about how the price drives a lot of the outcome of how big of an install base there's going to be [for hardware]."

He added, "The bigger the install base, the more likely that you can make sense out of your investment. So, the lower the price, the better. In this economic environment, it's probably more important than ever."

The Kinect is rumored to cost in the line of $150 and Sony's new Move will be $99 but an Eyetoy camera is required which can run the user an extra $40. Sony will however release a bundle for the move which will save the user money but until anything is announced we will all just have to go back under our rocks and wait for something.

Tippl added, "Move and Kinect, I think, will be interesting new opportunities to innovate certain franchises, but probably not for every kind of game. So, we'll have to see how much of an install base they're going to develop."

"A lot of that will depend on the price point they choose," Tippl said. "We have a few franchises where we think this could be an interesting value to improve the experience for the player. Tony Hawk is an example. We have our Rapala Fishing franchise. But it's not going to be something that will be in every game, because I don't think it's one size fits all. It's not going to enhance the experience for every game."


-Donny De Leon

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