Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Friday, May 14, 2010

How much are you Paying for the Name and is it Worth it?

As the title suggest, how much are you really paying for something. The Xbox 360 had a new update not to long ago which allowed the user to use USB Flash Drives to stream video and other stuff. With the new update also comes a new product from Sandisk called Xbox 360 16GB USB Flash Drive.

Now everyone in one way or another owns a storage medium such as a Flash Drive and if you own Floppy disks still then you must be reading this post from a monitor engraved in a rock. Anyway the Flash Drive sells for a whopping $70 + Tax which comes close to $77. Is the flash drive really worth it? Does it come with anything extra? The answer is yes but that doesn't even outweigh the cost. It comes with a 1month Gold membership for free.

Now you don't have to go far to find a 16GB Flash Drive. As a matter of fact you can find the regular SanDisk flash drive for only $40. $30 if you look online and don't mind waiting a few days. Not to go very far just walk into your neighborhood RadioShack and you can find them for $40 or their brand name product for $37.

So Seeing as how the average 16GB Sells for $40 how much are you paying for the 360 name. A whopping $30. What can $30 get you? A week of gas if you have a fuel efficient car, A new Platinum Hits game or several used games, Some accessories for the 360 or any other console you may have, perhaps even a date at the movies. The point is $30 is too much to pay for a brand name product that does exactly the same thing as all other products in it's category.

The 8GB 360 branded flash drive sells for $40 but you can get another Sandisk 8GB Flash Drive for $20. You be the judge. Is it worth paying over $20 for the name?

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