Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Apple iPad wireless scandal.

Did I spell Scandal right? or is it Scandel? Anyway apple has released their iPad (not to be confused with the iTampon) to the market and while thousands of Apple fan boys purchased Apple's new product, they are soon realizing that they may have jumped shipped too soon.

Apple has reported that their new gadget the iPad has problems connecting to the internet via the Wi-Fi connection (3G iPad coming at the end of April). The apple boards have been filling up with people complaining that their iPad's will not detect their Wi-Fi network and this will lose connection which means that their shiny new iPad is just a fancy mirror.

Apple wrote: "Under certain conditions, the Ipad may not automatically rejoin a known Wi-Fi network after restart or waking from sleep. This can occur with some third-party Wi-Fi routers that are dual-band capable when: Using the same network name for each network, or Using different security settings for each network,".

So according to apple the iPad may sometimes not detect 3rd party routers? So let me get this straight. In a world run by 3rd party companies such as netgear and Linksis, who make wireless routers which are found in most household's, apple didn't bother checking it or testing it against these routers.

Well of course why would they test it on 3rd party routers and maybe fix the issue before releasing it to the public. I guess QA is no where to be found in Apple's dictionary. So Much for a Quality product from apple. Then again if Steve Jobs pisses on a cup and tells the world that it is the next best thing since slice bread, Apple fan boys will actually believe it.

Posted by: Donny De Leon


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