Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Monday, December 5, 2011

Rumour: Wii U Specs leaked.

It appears that the Wii-U is indeed more powerful than the 360 and PS3.

Nintendo dropped the ball big time by releasing a less superior console back in 2006. Now it seems that they are on the right track to make things right again by releasing an HD Wii called the Wii U (lets face it, that's what it truly is). Some developers have been developing for the Wii U and Nintendo has shown off some videos that are amazing.

Some of the developers have gone online and said that the Wii-U is at least 50% more powerful than the 360 and PS3. The Wii U, is said to use a quad-core processor clocked at 3ghz using 45nm technology. For those of you that don't know what that means just think of the Core 2 Duo processor from Intel. This means that the system won't run as hot as the Xbox 360 when it first released with it's 90nm processor.

It is also stated that the console will come with 768mb of Ram but a 1GB version is also being tested out. In the computer world that seems laughable but in the console world that seems like a lot. By comparison the Xbox 360 has 512mb of Ram while the PS3 has a total of 512mb combined as well. If the 768mb version of the Wii-U is released then that 50% might not be 50% at all.

On top of that the ATI is also developing the graphics processor for the Wii-U which is said to use 40nm technology. ATI is known for it's budget graphics cards but sometimes there are problems with them compared to nVidia which the PS3 uses.

With all those specs I don't see Nintendo pricing the Wii-U for more that $250 but because of the tablet like controller I probably see them charging at least $350 max, however Nintendo to me is like the Apple of the gaming world in which they over charge for their products which wasn't always the case.

Stay Tuned for more details


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