Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nintendo Doesn't want to work with Garage Developers.

And the hypocrisy begins.

Garage developers otherwise known as independent developers are developers who break away from tradition and develop their own games. This has all been made as much as I hate the company but I do appreciate what they've done possible by Apple. All you need to do is own a Mac or other "sources" with a Mac, download their SDK and start programming your App and release it on the App store. There are many games available and as a programmer myself I thank them because now its possible for people like myself to get out and make a name for ourselves in an industry where if you do not have experience they won't even look at your resume.

The reason why it's hard for independent developers to make it big is because of companies like Nintendo that shut the door. Pair that with companies that won't hire fresh college graduates and all we have left is a piece of paper and a huge bill for wasting 3 to 4 years of our lives. Nintendo of America president Fils-Aime has stated that Nintendo will not work with Garage Developers now or in the near future possibly for as long as he's alive.

"I would separate out the true independent developer vs. the hobbyist," says Fils-Aime. "We are absolutely reaching out to the independent developer."

"Where we've drawn the line is we are not looking to do business today with the garage developer. In our view, that’s not a business we want to pursue."

"When we talk about the value of software, it could be a great $1 piece of content or a $50 piece of content," he says. "The point is: Does it maintain its value over time or is it such disposable content that the value quickly goes to zero? … We want consumers to see value in the software, whatever that appropriate value is. And we want to see that value maintained over time."

I think Fils-Aime is just being hypocritical as their software is pure garbage on the Wii and Nintendo DS. It's rare for another 3rd party developer to score big in their console and even then Nintendo's own titles are pure garbage. It's true a $1 game cannot compare to the hard work gone into a game that's worth $50 but at least when you purchase a $1 game that is not worth it you go "Damn this game sucks, but it's only a dollar". What if you purchase a game that is worth $50 and it sucks. You're really screwed then. This is the case with most Wii games as well as DS games.

I just think that Nintendo is cutting out the small developers that can't afford their expensive SDK and of course Nintendo is a company that's sole purpose is to make money. The Wii is a great system but with the lack of great software it's just sitting there gathering dust or is being played by the casual group who does Yoga. Really? Is that Nintendo's market now. They don't care as long as people buy the Wii and all the money goes into their pockets they don't care what people say about the Wii. It's really sad to see a company lose their soul the way Nintendo did, before they were about innovation and coming up with the next great game and game console but now it's all about how much hardware they could move without backing it up with great software.

I think that Nintendo will eventually crumble under it's own weight and ignorance. It may be a while but when it does, I know I will be laughing. This is coming from the person who owned a all 3 systems back in 2000 but only purchased software for the Gamecube even went far enough to defend that it had great titles.


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