Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Guest Character for Mortal Kombat on Xbox 360

Finally something for PS3 owners but 360 people seem to bitch a lot about this.

OK I understand when gamers get mad when a company decides to only release exclusive content for a certain console. Normally this happens to PS3 owners who purchase a software title only to find out that Xbox 360 owners are getting additional content which is exclusive to them or will release on PS3 weeks, months maybe years after. Case and Point Grand Theft Auto 4. Grand Theft Auto became a hit on the PS2 and sold more copies than the Xbox version and when GTA4 was released, people on Xbox360 were promised exclusive content with no mention of a PS3 version. Only a year after the release of the 360 version did PS3 owners experience the content but at a premium compared to the price of the 360 version

This happens all the time with Fallout, The Orange Box, etc.

With the announcement of Kratos for the new Mortal Kombat, 360 fans have been waiting to hear what character will make the cut into the game. Many want Marcus from Gears of War to make an appearance but to be honest even if he did make the cut I do not see him as a MK character. Anyway Marcus didn't make the cut and so far up to date WB Studios does not plan on including a character exclusive to the 360.

This has gotten gamers mad and trust me I understand that it pisses me off when the 360 gets all the exclusive content. So why not let us have this one?

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