Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Monday, December 27, 2010

ATI Radeon 6950 has same performance as 6970 when hacked.

You could save yourself $50 to $70.

For most of the world messing with the performance of graphic cards is a taboo that could overheat and render your unit useless after spending all that money on it for a high end card. But for those with the skills its easy as baking a pie which is still pretty difficult but manageable.

ATI's new Radeon cards 6950 and 6970 both have the same Cayman design with the Cayman XT on the 6970 and the Cayman pro on the 6950. With a little hack the Radeon 6950 can output the same performance as the 6970 saving yourself an additional $50 - $70bucks on your purchase.

When tuned correctly you can reach the same power as the 6970 but remember to keep things to a minimal as your warranty only covers so much. It is also worth mentioning that as of this post there are no hacks or possibilities to unlock more power out of the 6970.

So it's $50 bucks worth the risk? Only if you know what you are doing.


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