Seach Independent Gamer Blog

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Activision firing employees left and right.

Jobs are just so over rated. Who needs to feed their family anyway.

In an attempt to keep the company profitable, Activison has fired or as they call downsizing the development groups in order to accommodate their wallets, Higher ups at Activision have decided to let go of people from 2 different studios.

Last year Raven Software went from 3 Dev Teams to just 2. Now they have gone from 2 to just 1 and will only be working on DLC content. Raven software is the developer behind titles such as Singularity, Wolfenstein and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance.

Another studio which has faced lay offs is Tony Hawk developer Robomodo. They have fired over 30 people on top of the 40 they fired last week bringing the total to 70 fired employees.

"It is always difficult to let hard-working and valued employees go. Robomodo has retained all of the company's directors and leads, along with other staff members," said president Josh Tsui.

"All are busy working on future projects and ideas, which will become the innovative games of tomorrow. We hope to bring back some of our team as we ramp up on our next projects."

Don't be surprised this is all of Robert Kotick's plan to keep Activision profitable. Activision once a great company has gone to become one of the worst companies in the gaming industry by milking franchises and once the milk runs out by closing and firing staff from it's work force. I have not purchased an Activision game since Modern Warfare 2 and will not be purchasing any of their games anytime soon until Activision gets rid of the evil entity and goes back to creating great titles for gamers to enjoy.


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